Featured Product: MAC Liquid Bullet Valve® Double Diaphragm

Featured Product: MAC Liquid Bullet Valve® Double Diaphragm
May 1, 2020 mdnmarketing
In MAC News

Do you have shot-to-shot repeatability issues with your dosing application? Having issues with consistent flows because of pressure changes?

This patented, balanced Bullet Valve® design with
D-Flex™ technology from MAC Valves can help you alleviate many of these challenges! This dual-diaphragm design can also handle a wide variety of fluids and gasses with wetted materials that can be optimized to fit your needs.

Contact your local distributor today to find out more: https://www.macvalves.com/distributors/

Or contact MAC to start a converstation about your medical application: https://www.macvalves.com/contact-us2/

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